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Jul 10, 2004 09:10:11 CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Chat With Eva Felicitas Habermann
"Hi dear fans of LEXX!
My name is Jens Schmigowski and I am the leader of the international fanclub of Eva Habermann.
I just wanted to invite you all to the forthcoming chat on
It will be on Saturday July 10th, 2004 at 4pm german time (should be central european summer time too).
We expect that beside of Eva Habermann, also Xenia Seeberg, Patricia Zentilli, Doreen Jacobi, Brian Downey, Ellen Dubin and Louise Wischermann will join us there to answer your questions and have one or two hours of fun together with you.
I would be happy if you all could join us too. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Yours, Jens Schmigowski"
(The link goes to a chat site in ENGLISH and it appears we would have to register in advance.)
Hi dear fans!
I just wanted to let you know that the news about the chat is correct.
It will take part in the biggest german online community Knuddels.com. You can enter the chat via the link somebody copied into this thread above or by visiting Eva's page at http://www.eva-habermann.de and clicking on interactive, then chat.
It will be on Saturday July 10th, 2004 at about 4pm german time, which should be 9am central USA time.
You can register right now and save your nickname in advance of the chat.
I am not sure if there is a chance to visit the chat by irc....but I will ask the manager of that community ASAP and let you know.
I hope we all will have a lot of fun there...*smile*
By the way, yes, the chat will be in two languages...so questions can be asked in english and german....I am not sure if we manage to translate during the chat, but the moderators speak and understand english there, that is for sure.
Here's some bits and pieces, thanks mostly to XS4Xevr. With luck, more will be added shortly.
Propeller: Hello and welcome to today’s Promichat with four well-known german and international actors. We are glad that so many of you came today and hope that you will enjoy yourselves over the next two hours.
Propeller: Even if only Eva is here
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I was on a children’s show - I played the music box (in answer to a question asked before the chat began)
BadGirl00013: How did you get that part?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: At the children’s music class, where I learned to play the flute.
HotDogBrotchen2002: Can you still go out in public without being spotted (by fans)?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Of course, and hardly ever get bothered.
mr mars: Do you really have a lot of free time? It seems to me that being an actor would be rather stressful… How do you spend your free time, if you have any?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I have free time for sports and travel between projects.
kalrheinz: What are you working on now, eva?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: How many people are in the chat room now?
small-Rikku: Did you go to an acting school?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I can’t say anything about my new top secret project yet, but my character is very noble and strong.
The Force: Hi Eva, What was your reaction when ‘Wilde Engel’ (a German series) wasn’t renewed?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I started taking private lessons when I was 14.
Eva Felicitas Habermann: That was unfortunate, because it was so much fun, and I’d gladly do it again.
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Which Lexx character did you like the best?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: My favourite was Kai. I had a total crush on the last of the Brunnen G but couldn’t get him
reallover1: What is your recipe for success??
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Think positively and successfully...
Hundilino: Do you have a role model (German)?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: believe in something, make it yours, and do it.
mr mars: Who is your personal role model?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Role model? mmmmh? Robin hood?
g3h1rn: Eva, was Lexx something special for you, different from other projects?
Sat Jul 10 09:36:33 CDT 2004
Holgi: I have a question for Doreen:
Your job as an actor is to imagine yourself as another person. The more real that you make that character the better. Isn’t there the risk, then, that you might lose yourself in that character?
Doreen Jacobi: No- that problem should’t exist, I haven’t personally had it occur. At the end of the day the actor should hang the character up on a coat hook, otherwise one has no spare time. It is true, of course, that one does take on certain aspects of a character, sometimes gladly…
Powerman03: wie findet ihr es in der ser ie mitzuspielen?
gela12: a message to our english lexxians from the lexxfans forum: please don't hesitate to post your questions. we will try to translate as much as possible, either here right now or later
Durchsage von Holgi: Talk with two famous english-speaking actors (gela and Doreen) in our Channel LINK:Promitalk 2.
Doreen Jacobi: Personally, it was quite a while ago. Eating Pattern is from 1996… But I find it absolutely wild that the resonance over time has been so great.
lissa1: what was your favorite episode in season 4?
Patricia Zentilli: I loved bad carrot.. we laughed alot filming that one! and I also loved appocalexx because we were in beautiful thailand shooting!!!!
schinja: Doreen, why didn't you appear in one the series of Lexx again?
gela12: Doreen, did you ever attend a LEXX con?
Doreen Jacobi: I had other commitments after shooting Eating Pattern and was bound to my contract here in Germany....
Patricia Zentilli: I would haved loved to have doreen in season 4!!!
Doreen Jacobi: No - I have never attended a LEXX con
Doreen Jacobi: Thanks Patricia :-)
Patricia Zentilli:
gela12: I agree, that would have been great
Shadow-Z: Do you like the name The bad twin of Star Trek?
Patricia Zentilli: Sure it's a fun name
primary: what is you favourite film in german??
Doreen Jacobi: As in a film I performed in or in general?
Holgi: I think she means in general.
Plex: I suppose in general
Doreen Jacobi: Now that is difficult ... I liked Good Bye Lenin as of the recent films I can remember to have seen
Holgi: I have another interesting Question: What would you say, is the secret of your prettiness? Sports? Healthful Food?
Doreen Jacobi: Lot's of cheeseburgers and dancing ... :-)
Holgi: *smile*
Patricia Zentilli: good answer!
schinja: how did you two know each other? during eating pattern there was no laleen, no bunny...
Patricia Zentilli: we have never met.. today is the first time!
Doreen Jacobi: We have never met until now
Doreen Jacobi: :-) You were faster :-)
Patricia Zentilli: I have heard everyone say many positive things about you
Patricia Zentilli: And you are sooooooooo beautiful!
lissa1: to both: were you both interested in SiFi when you were kids?
Doreen Jacobi: That's great to hear :-)
Patricia Zentilli: not really unless E.T. counts!
Doreen Jacobi: I loved science fiction when I was a kid - and I still do :-)
Stuntbaby1: I hav an quisten if i want a autogramm from you ...du you have a autogramm adress ??
Doreen Jacobi: For my part - you can go to doreen.jacobi.com and contact and will find the according address of my agency who takes care of the autographs...
Patricia Zentilli: same here at zentillizone.com
Intrepid1234: to both: Would you be interested in a role in a Lexx based movie if you were offered a role? What do you think the Lexx movie should be about? (Wurden Sie an einer Rolle in einem Lexx gegrundeten Film interessiert sein, wenn Ihnen eine Rolle angeboten wurden? Was denken Sie den Lexx Film sollten ungefahr sein?)
Sat Jul 10 09:46:05 CDT 2004
Holgi: The correct Adress of Doreens Site is LINK:http://www.doreenjacobi.com, i googled it.
Doreen Jacobi: I would definitely want to be in a LEXX movie if there ever is one. What it should be about? A classical LEXX situation ... madness, sex, violance.....all ingredients that matter
Doreen Jacobi: Thanks Holgi :-).
bluebabe: imagine you were offer a role in sex and the city , which main character would you like to perform?
Patricia Zentilli: i would be interested too.l. it should be dark and funny
gela12: we heard a lot of rumours about a new movie...
gela12: so we hope one day it'll come true
Doreen Jacobi: I would love to be samantha in Sex and the City because she is soooo different from me....
Holgi: >Doreen Jacobi: My pleasure!
charlie2000: hi Doreen Jacobi do you get love letters from crasy fans?
Doreen Jacobi: Sometimes I do ... but mainly my fans behave very mature and the letters are rather sweet :-)
Engel117: what are you doing in your freetime?
Patricia Zentilli: IN my free time I am working on recording a cd
Doreen Jacobi: I don't have a lot of freetime, but what I love doing is just taking things easy .... reading, going to the cinema, keeping fit, etc.
Doreen Jacobi: Obviously- but rather rarely from lack of time ;-)
Patricia Zentilli: i lost my connection but i am back now
XS4Xevr: Are you singing with Xenia on her new CD, by chance?
Patricia Zentilli: No I am not singing with Xenia
SeriousZillla: A fan has the theory that S2 represents Kai’s life story, is this true?
gela12: Ellen Dubin has joined the chat in /promitalk
Doreen Jacobi: Kai’s life story? Mmmhh- it wouldn’t surprise me, but I can’t answer the question since I don’t know...sorry
Hosche: Have u got any pets? a sweet cat or something? =)
Patricia Zentilli: i wish i had some pets but i don't at the moment. i love animals
Doreen Jacobi: I have got 3 birds - budgies ... no cats and no dogs. If I was to have a bigger pet than my birds, I would chose a dog. I love dogs...
Doreen Jacobi: ..and animals in general of course :-)
StuartLittle15: Patricia Zentilli what is the reason why you are in a german chat-room but you live in toronto?
Patricia Zentilli: I was invited by Jens who emailed me months ago!
Patricia Zentilli: I wish I spoke german
iStan: Patricia, what was your favourite role in Lexx?
Patricia Zentilli: I would have to say Bunny because she got into so many funny situations
James the Chatbutler has a question. Do you have a butler or a home help?
Patricia Zentilli: No I don;t have a butler...
Doreen Jacobi: I have someone taking care of some basic cleaning once a week ... but I do not have a butler and do most of my stuff myself...
Plex: Now a compliment from a fan:
Engelwings: Patricia, you were absolutely adorable as bunny, the supreme beans made a very good decision casting you in the role!
Patricia Zentilli: THANK YOU so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playboy06: how many different languages do you speak?
Patricia Zentilli: I speak french and english and a tiny bit of spanish. The only thing i can say in german is quiet please because they said it on set many times rue bitte
Doreen Jacobi: I speak two fluently - German and English and three up to a certain level: Spanish, French, Russian
Doreen Jacobi: I live in Potsdam, Germany which is very close to Berlin. At the moment I am lucky because I am working in Berlin. But I sometimes have to travel far .. which I do not mind by the way....
PfirsichMelba: Patrica you are so cute! Are you married?
Bohni-Kot: have you a boyfriend Doreen Jacobi
Patricia Zentilli: I was in Halifax doing a play at the theatre there.. and there was an airline strike so I was stuck in Halifax. I decided to go see if I could audition for anything and I ended up landing the role of Laleen in Wake the Dead...
Doreen Jacobi: I dubbed my own voice too - but I am not very proud of it. I did a lousy job on the German Lexx :-)
Patricia Zentilli: No I am not married but I live with my boyfriend..
Doreen Jacobi: The boy-friend question - I do have one yes :-)
lissa1: what was the most funny moment while shooting Lexx?
James looks pathetical down.
Patricia Zentilli: I liked when Michael played the actor .. everyone laughed because it really was alot like Michael's real character..
Doreen Jacobi: I remember that we were doing some green screen stuff for when Wist is this giant creature that attacks the LEXX at the end of Eating Pattern. I was lying on a huge green disc-thing and had a sticklike thing coming out of it that was supposed to be my tongue....
Patricia Zentilli: even he laughed when we read the script
gela12: you mean the actor Kai at Fluff Daddy?
Patricia Zentilli: yes!
gela12: he was great in that...I agree
Lil-Lum: Oh russian *gg* ??? ??????? How did you come to learn Russian?
Doreen Jacobi: the whole study was standing there - looking at me because they were not sure what to think .... it looked rather sexual...especially since I had to move my head up and down....there you go
Doreen Jacobi: studio I mean of course :-)
Doreen Jacobi: Russian – I grew up in the east (East Germany) and always liked the language, and so I learned it.
Playboy06: Do you know big brother? would you take part in it?
gela12: here's a question, maybe you can help us out...we wonder what Michael is doing now, is he doing theatre work, does anyone know?
Doreen Jacobi: I know big brother and nothing in the world would get me into the container.....
Patricia Zentilli: me neither!
Plex: and why?
Patricia Zentilli: I haven't seen michael in a long time!
Doreen Jacobi: Michael is travelling between Toronto and Berlin a lot and is doing some theatre once in a while. But he hasn't done a lot after LEXX
James: Doreen Jacobi> Sympathetic attitude. big brother
gela12: Are you still in contact with him, Doreen?
Doreen Jacobi: Why - no Big Brother? I am not a fan of any kind of semi-reality show. I want to be entertained when I switch on the TV and other people's problems are the last thing I want to see...
Doreen Jacobi: Yes - I am still in touch with Michael ;-)
AMG: What are you idoels?!?
Doreen Jacobi: He would have been here today as well if he would have had access to a PC...
Sat Jul 10 10:32:54 CDT 2004
Doreen Jacobi: Yes - Michael has his ways of disappearing once in a while ...
iStan: Patricia: Are there others actors who have been an inspiration to you?
iStan: Xenia Seeberg is now in /promitalk
Vampgirl: hallo xenia
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Now you can take over. I still want another bit of time in the sun today.
Gross Hades: hallo xenia
Kuschelbaer007: och eva
Aidan-Pryde: Are you leaving already?
alladin12345678: hallo xenia. And a very good afternoon to you What are your tastes in music?
X-Seeberg: Hi everybody, I finally made it. Everything ok. with you guys?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: mmmmhhhhhhhh only 5 more minutes
Lancelot2000: SUN??? Where’s the sun?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: In Munich
Eva Felicitas Habermann: at a biergarten
yodafd: Oh cruel world
Lancelot2000: *sobs* I’ve been swimming (in the rain) here for three weeks....
Aidan-Pryde: Where’s the sun? In Kiel, for instance, it’s raining cats and dogs...
Eva Felicitas Habermann: silly
Kuschelbaer007: alright xenia
Ansbacher: Xenia... What are your future career plans?
bluebabe: XeniaI saw on TV that you were at the premiere of Spiderman. How did you like the film?
Gross Hades: Eva Felicitas Habermann: Yes, where? There’s no sun here.
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Same with Hamburg. What a miserable summer.
KinG JuLi: Eva which is the most beautiful city that you’ve ever been in?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Cape Town
HeRz@007: eva...what is your favourite article of clothing?
Maccaroni: Eva: Did you identify with your role in Berlin Berlin (a German TV series)?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: my furry bear slippers
eternal4739: Xenia, will you be appearing soon in any major American films?
Minni Mausschen: Xenia What would you do if you had to give up your career?
X-Seeberg: Yes, well, I would be in Lexx again any time, it would be great if Eva and I could be like das doppelte Lottchen (a German movie about twins, later remade with the Olsen twins). !!!
Ansbacher: Xenia... Can you see yourself in another careeer? For example, as a singer?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: downtown Munich is very sunny, easy to get a tan.
sweet Teddy03: a question for Eva and Xenia: What is the hardest thing for actors to deal with?
Propeller:. Just ask Xenia your questions by sending them in public. The moderators will receive them and post the good ones. Thank you
Gross Hades: Eva, near Erdingen, 36 km away (from Munich)
Behind<o>Blue<o>Eyes: Xenia, how many languages do you speak?
Gross Hades: yodafd danke
Eva Felicitas Habermann: nervy directors, who are always pissed off and irritable.
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, do you like Michael Moore?
Lieblingsbar: xenia what was your dearest role, or the one that you took most to heart?
X-Seeberg: My musical tastes go from blues to pop to bluesy (?) rock ...
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Thank God that one is also sometimes lucky.
Lancelot2000: Ellen, how did you work out for the role of the canibale in LEXX? Must be hard to get into something like this, right?
The Force: Xenia and Eva together in Lexx. I would be thrilled if that were worked into the story.
alladin12345678: xenia, what do you think would be the worst job that you could have?
crazy-snoopy-girl: Eva, if you could have any job, what would it be?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Bye. Your support is wonderful. I’m going for another little break now. Xenia, let’s meet next week in Berlin.
Tyalis: Bye, Eva
Kuschelbaer007: ciao eva <PIC>
Lancelot2000: Ciao Eva, it’s too bad that you have to go so soon.
Aidan-Pryde: Bye Eva!
yodafd: Have a good evening Eva
Eva Felicitas Habermann: We can do this again more often.
Propeller: Thank you for coming Eva. See you soon. And we hope that you had fun.
The Force: Have fun in the sun
yodafd: +beautiful (of course)
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Bye Ellen!
Vampgirl: take care eva. I hope that you enjoyed it
eternal4739: Goodbye, Eva. Have a great one!
X-Seeberg: Hi behind blue eyes, I speak English, French, and of course my mother tongue!
Ellen Dubin: oops ended up in another chat rood
Gross Hades: bye eva
XS4Xevr: Xenia any hope of you appearing in any Stargate-Atlantis episodes?
Nova15: later, Eva.
Ellen Dubin: chat room i am back
Ellen Dubin: eva how are you there
Kuschelbaer007: re ellen
Vampgirl: welcome back
Ellen Dubin: thanks vampgirl
Nova15: Hopefully we’ll see you again in 3 years...
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I am leaving to go for a walk
Ellen Dubin: ah ok evea
Ellen Dubin: ah ok eva
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, do you like Michael Moore?
Ellen Dubin: we will work together soon
Eva Felicitas Habermann: ok! we will
Ellen Dubin: eva are you coming back to the chat room today
Ellen Dubin: michael moore makes fabulous contraversial films
Gross Hades: Eva have a great weekend.
X-Seeberg: Too bad, Eva. I would have gladly spent more time chatting with you. Then I could take over from you ...
Ellen Dubin: makes you think'
Eva Felicitas Habermann: mmmmhhhh don’t think so, but you also have to go for rehearsals don’t you?
bluebabe: it was a pleasure to have you here , Eva, have a nice evening.
Kuschelbaer007: Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Ellen Dubin: i have a day off today
Ellen Dubin: we will email soon ok honey
Ellen Dubin: are you doing a stage show or a tv show or film'
khorn: xenia You and your boyfriend (sic) are so busy throughout the month, do you have much time to do just what you want together ??
Ellen Dubin: yes i have seen that movie have you
BeefCake: A question for Xenia: I read in a forum that you had a small role in Lord of the Dead, the new film by German director Timo Rose. Can you tell us something about the film and your role in it?
Aidan-Pryde: Weg war sie...
Kuschelbaer007: No, in German he is 29th of July in the cinemas. Do you like the movie?
Ellen Dubin: very upsetting very well done though kuschelbaer
Minni Mausschen: Xenia : If you had to choose between family and career what would you do? And why??
Ellen Dubin: xenia are you here
Hardrocker Tobi: Ellen Dubin what was the most important film you did?
Marki03: Hi Xenia! What is your favourite film that you have been in?
Ellen Dubin: hardrocker don't speak german sorry
Ellen Dubin: can someone translate
Nordischer Krieger: X-Seeberg with which male actor would you most want to be in a film?
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, which one was the most important movie, which you have made? This was the question, which hardrocker told you.
Kuschelbaer007: sorry for bad english
Ellen Dubin: ah thanks kuschelbaer i haven't made that movie yet
X-Seeberg: Timo Rose’s film was very violent and twisted and Sven, my husband, didn’t want me to play the whole role, so it was shortened. But Timo is super!!! A class act and actually completely normal...
Ellen Dubin: don't worry kuschelbaer my german is terrible i can't speak it
Ellen Dubin: hi xenia!
Nova15: Ellen, what would you've liked to become instead of an actress?
Kuschelbaer007: @Hardrocker : she still hasn’t made that film.
HeRz@007: xenia…do you have any brothers or sisters? =)
Ellen Dubin: i would like to become an artist i can't draw or paint but would love that
X-Seeberg: Darling, I would act with Wilem Davoe a lot if I could...
Ellen Dubin: or just travel the world
Ellen Dubin: wilem dafoe?
Ellen Dubin: are you working on a movie with him?
X-Seeberg: No , Unfortunately I have no brothers and sisters!...
Die Susse Michele: hallo xenia do you like sports?
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, which subject in school do you have hated?
Minni Mausschen: Xenia A question for you: Do you have a lot of fun with your acting work? And how much spare time do you normally have?
BrunnenG: Xenia: It is true that it will be a new Lexx movie? --- PLEASEE ASK HER
X-Seeberg: Hi Ellen, how are you my sweetheart, no I just said, I'd love to work with him one day...
HeRz@007: xenia...is it sometimes disturbing to be constantly asked for autographs?
X-Seeberg: There is a very rich fan in San Diego, who 'd love to invest into a Lexx-movie
Lieblingsbar: xenia Do you have any problems with people coming up and talking to you on the street?
X-Seeberg: No, besides it’s great that people want to have an autograph. It shows that we must have done our job right.
Kuschelbaer007: hm. ellen, are you here?
sweet Teddy03: hallo xenia do you find it easy to learn your lines? Do you have any tricks that you use to learn them?
Tyalis: Ellen is having a few technical problems
Kuschelbaer007: ah ok.
X-Seeberg: Hallo Gala12, I’m glad to hear it. Where should I drop by?
yodafd: Something’s nibbling on the underwater cable to America (sic)
Aidan-Pryde: We had to struggle with that yesterday.
Gross Hades: yodafd they don’t use cables any more
Lancelot2000: Xenia, what are your current projects? Can you tell us a bit about them?
Aidan-Pryde: No questions left?
mr@Berlin13: Xenia....what does it feel like to see yourself in a film?
X-Seeberg: I had a lot of fun acting in the movie version of Der Clown. It’s going to be released next January in Germany, then in the USA.
yodafd: sind doch zwei da
bluebabe: Is there a person you really adore?If yes, who is it?
X-Seeberg: My husband Sven Martinek!!!
KinG JuLi: Xenia have you seen ‘The Day After Tomorrow’? What did you think of it?
X-Seeberg: I’ve very critical of myself when I see myself in films, but I can still enjoy watching them!
X-Seeberg: I thought that Day after tomorrow was top notch!!!
sweetandre123: Xenia do you find it hard to be in a role where you have to kiss someone that you don’t know??
X-Seeberg: I try not to break men’s hearts!
Kuschelbaer007: That’s good to know.
Die Susse Michele: Xenia, what are your favourite pets???
Lancelot2000: You don’t break (destroy) them? You keep them all?
X-Seeberg: Yes, I don’t easily kiss strangers!
Tyalis: Lancelot2000, she has a small box on a shelf... ^^
Propeller: So now here’s something special. Seriouszilla is going to ask Xenia some questions. A very warm welcome, SeriousZilla.
Vampgirl: Xenia do you know of David Lynch? What do you think of his films, such as Twin Peaks, Lost Highway, etc?
SeriousZilla: Hallo Xenia, it’s a great honour
bluebabe: I have another question.. Xenia, do you get jealous? After all, your husband spends a lot of time acting with other women..
SeriousZilla: Do you have any contact Michael McManus?
Propeller: SeriousZilla is a big Lexx fan who writes regularly on the Lexxfans.com bored.
M-G-Chatwalker14: do you have a favourite actor or actress xenia???
X-Seeberg: Hi there, David Lynch is exactly my sort of thing.
Vampgirl: We’re on the same wavelength
CroGirl 1990: Xenia, do your friends sometimes feel neglected because of the demands of your career????
Lieblingsbar: Xenia, Who do you feel about relief organizations? Do you support one?
Sat Jul 10 10:41:42 CDT 2004
Ellen Dubin: oh how did i do that
Doreen Jacobi: I am shooting a comedy for PRO 7 at the moment...
Ellen Dubin: tell her i don't want to ignore her
X-Seeberg: I try not to neglect my friends, they are very important to me, but sometimes I can only call them on the telephone.
eternal4739: Xenia, if there is a LEXX movie, as you mentioned there was some interest, will you be returning in the role of Xev?
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Xenia, what sorts of films do you like best- comedy, Sci-fi, etc.?
X-Seeberg: My favourite actress is still Jody Foster, and I also like Drew Barrymore very much.
yodafd: oh ja Jodie
Vampgirl Reminds me of the Silenec of the Lambs :grin
X-Seeberg: Of course I'll be back as Xev, I loved this character.
yodafd: und Nell
Minni Mausschen: (to Xenia) Who is your role model?
Kuschelbaer007: Xenia, what do you think of Bully Herbig (German comic actor)? Do you like TV comedy shows?
Nordischer Krieger: Xenia, what would you still like to achieve in life, your greatest project?
eternal4739: Very wonderful to hear it, Xenia. Is the project likely to be going into production in the near future?
X-Seeberg: I have always supported Amnesty International and would support Michael Moore, he’s shown his courage.
XS4Xevr: Would you like to make XEV a stronger character, like to replace KAI as protector?
Aidan-Pryde: I have more questions waiting.
Kuschelbaer007: ok aidan
HeRz@007: xenia…was becoming an actress the fulfillment of your dreams?
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Danke Aidan
Minni Mausschen: xenia who would you like to spend a day with, and why?
X-Seeberg: I would love to see, that the movie was going to happen soon, but ALL.Atl has to release the right first and sell them
Ellen Dubin: is this the right channel?
Aidan-Pryde: Yes.
sweetandre123: Xenia have you ever had an unpleasant or embarrassing role??
Nova15: Yes, welcome back Ellen!
Ellen Dubin: ok patricia was on that other dchannel too
eternal4739: That sounds really great. I understand you have the rights now.
Kuschelbaer007: welcome back ellen, we have missed you
bluebabe: yes ellen welcome back
Ellen Dubin: thank s everyone
X-Seeberg: I would not want to replace Kai as a character, but Xev should always be strong with a heart
Ellen Dubin: went on another channel and got to speak to some other people
Ellen Dubin: i agree with xenia
iTweedle: Xenia: What was it like working with Brian Downey?
Sat Jul 10 10:56:02 CDT 2004
X-SeebergThe two of us, we don’t want to be with anyone else, but we have our problems and our joys.
Ellen Dubin: yes gela thanks
Ellen Dubin: don't know how to do anything on this computer sorry
Ellen Dubin: will email you
Minni Mausschen: Xenia…If you where filming and you became sick of the film, would you still give your best??
Ellen Dubin: fans if you want to email me please write down giggerota100@aol.com
Ellen Dubin: i will always answer letter s just so you know
sweet Teddy03: hi xenia how do you learn your scripts? Do you use some sort of trick?
X-Seeberg: It was great to work with Brian, he a real sport
Ellen Dubin: yes he makes us laugh
Kuschelbaer007: ellen, who do you think is the most beautiful male actor?
X-Seeberg: I find learning my lines to be easy.
Ellen Dubin: viggo from lord of rings
Ellen Dubin: yummy
Thesteve2Kb: do either of you ever visit any of the popular Lexx forums? lexxfans.com
Ellen Dubin: lots of different people
Ellen Dubin: would love to visit haven't had time but would love to
eternal4739: Xenia, are there any American actors you would particularly love to work with?
BeefCake: Ellen & Xenia, what's your opinion about Asian cinema, eg Takeshi Kitano?
Ellen Dubin: how do i get to that site
Ellen Dubin: i appreciate all cinema
Ellen Dubin: don;'t know too much about asian cinema but love the storylines when i do see them
Bluebabe what has been your greatest experience in life so far?
X-Seeberg: I already said, Willem Dafoe and for sure there are others, but hey, I'd be happy to work with any american actor in a good movie
Aidan-Pryde: Just open a Internet-Browser and write
Ellen Dubin: yes xenia is right
Minni Mausschen: Xenia: If you didn’t have this marvelous career and weren’t so successful, what would you do? What did you study at school?
eternal4739: Okay, I'm sorry. I missed where you said that.
sue Maus0009: Xenia
Ellen Dubin: thanks aidan
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Xenia what would your three wishes be?
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, if you may have the chance, to live your life a second time - would you change anything?
Ellen Dubin: that everyone i love doesn't die
Ellen Dubin: would love that
X-Seeberg: I studied Latin, philosophy, graphic design, and theatre.
gela12: ok we are all in 1 room now I gues
Minni Mausschen: Ellen What do you think about lexx an this person?s?
Ellen Dubin: what do you mean minni?
HeRz@007: xenia...Since you travel all the time, do you find that there’s nothing like being at home?
Ellen Dubin: i miss the show lexx had so much fun
360N: Do you enjoy chatting with your fans? Will you drop by sometime informally to chat?
eternal4739: I have always wondered.. was His Divine Shadow ever based in any way on a real person in human history?
Ellen Dubin: good question eternal - his divine shadow ? not sure
X-Seeberg: I really enjoy being at home, but for the next four weeks I’m going to be in the USA, my second homeland.
Ellen Dubin: maybe the grim reaper as in death
Die Susse Michele: AN XENIA do you have a favourite pet, and if so, what is it?
BeefCake: Ellen & Xenia, are you still in contact with Paul Donovan, the creator of the Lexx series? Do you know what he'll be up to next?
Thesteve2Kb: Xenia, ever come accross a situation where you wish you could growl like a Cluster Lizard?
X-Seeberg: Unfatunately, I don’t have any pets now, but I used to have horses. My mentor in Laguna Beach has a lot of parrots.
Ellen Dubin: yes i emailed paul the other day
eternal4739: I wondered also, whether they had any real presidents in mind while writing for President Priest. He kinda reminds me a little of someone in office right now.
Ellen Dubin: he is working on a big minisries
Ellen Dubin: miniseries
Minni Mausschen: xenia seit wann ist usa deine 2 heimat?
Engelwings: What is the mini series going to be about?
X-Seeberg: Yes I talk to Paul quite frequently, I just love him, he's simply brilliant
AndrewUK: What is the most weird or best thing that has happened to you since becoming famous?
Ellen Dubin: italian family in history a very weird family
Ellen Dubin: xenia is right
Ellen Dubin: paul is brilliant
Engelwings: What are you working on now, xenia?
Ellen Dubin: most fans are wonderful but some people overstep their boundaries
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, have you got a boyfriend? or do i have a chance
Ellen Dubin: but most are wonderful
Ellen Dubin: no boyfriend
bluebabe: lol kuschel
Ellen Dubin: you make me blush
Ellen Dubin: hee heehee
jessy2000: kuschel, here’s your chance
Ellen Dubin: hee hee hee
Ellen Dubin: i am still laughing
Sat Jul 10 11:13:40 CDT 2004
Sat Jul 10 11:08:07 CDT 2004
X-Seeberg: The USA has been my second home since 1996. I was seeing an American actor for a long time.
Ellen Dubin: you are sweet
Aidan-Pryde: So, now you have many new friends.
Ellen Dubin: yes i do
gela12: Ellen, do you plan to visit Germany in the near future?
Suchnenboy13: Is This your Dreamwork?
Ellen Dubin: i would love to gela
Ellen Dubin: i hope to
knuddelmichganzfest15: How has being an actor changed your life?
Ellen Dubin: which part of the city do you live in gela
Chakotay: Whats Your Favourite Sci-Fi Series
Ellen Dubin: love my new one the collector
gela12: I live in Bremen, Ellen. that's not too far away from Hamburg, northern Germany.
Kuschelbaer007 gets red. Thank you Ellen
Ellen Dubin: and i love buffy
Ellen Dubin: ah ok near eva
Engelwings: Will that be airing in the US at all, Ellen?
X-Seeberg: The actor’s life is constantly on and off, go and stop.
HeRz@007: xenia...Have you lost many old friends since you became famous?
Ellen Dubin: i hope so will know more soon
Ellen Dubin: and will keep the fans posted
Engelwings: great
The Force: Buffy is cool, What Season did you like most, Ellen?
Ellen Dubin: engelwings what is your email addy?
Ellen Dubin: i still liked that musical eps
Aidan-Pryde: Ellen, if someone want to write you, which is your adress for fanpost?
X-Seeberg: Sorry guys, but my break is over, I've got to go!!!
for-ever-in-my-life: Ellen, is it nice to be a star?
SeriousZilla: Xenia?
Ellen Dubin: giggerota100@aol.com please write me everyone
eternal4739: Goodbye, Xenia, have a wonderful day.
bluebabe: It was a pleasure to have you here Xenia.
yodafd: Good evening, Xenia.
Ellen Dubin: i answer everyone
Ellen Dubin: xenia love you honey
Engelwings: goodbye Xenia! Nice that you could come and chat.
SeriousZilla: Good Bye
Ellen Dubin: please email me
Tyalis: Byebye, Xenia
Ellen Dubin: love you
gela12: bye xenia
Aidan-Pryde: It was great that you were here Xenia.
Kuschelbaer007: bye xenia
theflea dubin, do u watch any other sci fi shows besides lexx?
Ellen Dubin: love you xenia
Vampgirl: bye xenia <PIC>
X-Seeberg: Was great to talk to you and sorry if I could not answer all your questions
jessy2000: cya Xenia
Lancelot2000: Bye Xenia
Propeller: Xenia have a great evening and thank you… I’ll e-mail you soon, Jens
BlueIce1982: Thank you for talking time! <PIC>
Ellen Dubin: oh yes when i have time startrek, buffy angel
BlueIce1982: -l
Ellen Dubin: xfiles
The Force: bye Xenia
Ellen Dubin: andromeda
Ellen Dubin: mutant x relic hunter
X-Seeberg: See you soon, and love to all.
Ellen Dubin: bye honey love you xenia
gela12: See you soon, Xenia. I hope that you received my emails.
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, i must say, i'm surprised that you are here with us.
Ellen Dubin: i want to be here
Ellen Dubin: love you guys
mone2210: Ellen do you have e website?
BlueIce1982: Kuschelbaer007 is falling in love?
X-Seeberg: Love you toooooooo Ellen, you're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you soon, I'll be in LA next week
Ellen Dubin:
eternal4739: Have we heard anything from Brian? Or is he on another room?
Aidan-Pryde: She ask, if you have an own website.
Nova15: he's already fallen...
Ellen Dubin: and click on my namne
Ellen Dubin: yes i understood that
Ellen Dubin: yes website
Ellen Dubin:
BlueIce1982: Oh maybe we will see this couple next time
gela12: I think brian got some trouble logging in?
Ellen Dubin: and click on my name on the right
Ellen Dubin: i will call brian right now hold on
eternal4739: Gela, that's too bad. I thought Jens was helping him.
gela12: that's great, thanks ellen
gela12: yes and iStan too I think but maybe he just forgot
Minni Mausschen: Ellen ? Hav You In This Moment Fun?
Ellen Dubin: i am having fun
Ellen Dubin: so glad to talk to the fans / i am so so busy
Propeller: No Brian did not forget but he mailed me that he has something very important to do and that he tries to come in here a bit later...but I fear he did not manage it
Intrepid1234: Ellen if a giant giggerota the wicked and a giant Lyekka battled over the city of Japan, who would win and who would lose? Would it be fun?
Engelwings: It's great that you've got a new series! Any plans to do any theater?
Ellen Dubin: it would be a riog
Ellen Dubin: giggy wins
Ellen Dubin: it would be a riot
Ellen Dubin: did theatre in la a comedy show a few months ago
Ellen Dubin: it was funny
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, which type of character is most important for a person? Which type(s) of character do you not like on your person?
iStan: Are you biased when you say that?
Ellen Dubin: nope stan
Ellen Dubin: i love characters who have a big emotional range
eternal4739: Giggy, I wonder if Jordan made it in. Do you know?
Ellen Dubin: llove to cry and laugh
Nova15: or directly speaking: whot qualities has kuschelbaer to offer you?
X-Seeberg: Oh I forgot, anyone who want sto get the latest news about me and my music’s there too, check out www.xeniaseeberg.biz! Byyyyye!
Nova15: o=a
Kuschelbaer007: rofl nova
Ellen Dubin: i don't know tell me kucshcelbaer
Ellen Dubin: love funny
Ellen Dubin: funny warm and very passionate
gela12: ellen, what role apart from giggerota would you had liked to play at lexx?
Ellen Dubin: the characters
Nova15: honest
Ellen Dubin: i would like to have played kai
Ellen Dubin: hee hee hee
yodafd: ;-)
gela12: Thank you for the info, Xenia
SeriousZilla: Do you have contact with Kai?
gela12: you would have liked to play kai??
X-Seeberg: Oh before I forget, go to www.xeniaseeberg.biz if you want to check out my music.
Engelwings: A female Kai, very interesting concept.
Ellen Dubin: HEE HEE HEE
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Had u liked the Rule in Lexx...cos its not so typical for a woman to play ...a....monster
The Force: Thanks for the nice chat Xenia
gela12: you mean like the dead do not eat people?
Tyalis: Ellen Dubin, please press caps lock
iStan: Ellen: can you tell us about your character in the new series. I saw it on Wednesday, but there wasn't enough of you on screen.
Ellen Dubin: thanks
eternal4739: In the end, there can be only one. May it be Xenia Seeberg, the German.
Ellen Dubin: yes wed was my episode that i had the least in
Ellen Dubin: did you see anymore stan
BeefCake: Ellen, do you prefer acting on stage or in front of a camera, and what's the main difference for you?
Ellen Dubin: i play a passionate reporter with a child who is autistic veryinteresting show
flyx: Ellen, did you HATE anything about Giggerota?
iStan: I've only caught the one so far, unfortunately.
Ellen Dubin: i love the stage immediate reaction
Ellen Dubin: ah too bad
Ellen Dubin: worst episode fthat one
iStan: Thanks, though, the ep makes more sense now.
Ellen Dubin: yess i hope you get to see it from the begining it starts again on citytv in canada in sept
Ellen Dubin: what city are you in again?
Ellen Dubin: i love everything about giggy
Thesteve2Kb: Ellen, do you have any interesting or unusual hobbies?
Propeller: And so, dear fans, the show is now over…
Ellen Dubin: nothing unuusal
Ellen Dubin: i love wathcing movies
theflea ellen, do u think lyekka is stronger or zev?
Ellen Dubin: movies movies and food and friends
Kuschelbaer007: Thank you Ellen for being here. *kiss on your hand*
Ellen Dubin: they both have their strenghts
Ellen Dubin: your welcome
Ellen Dubin: everyone
Ellen Dubin: you take care
Ellen Dubin: again please write down
Ellen Dubin:
Ellen Dubin: click on the right for my website
gela12: ellen, are you going to leave now too?
Propeller: Dear fans, I will stop the moderation now and officially finish the chat. Of course you can go on chatting with your stars if they keep staying in here. Thanks to all our guests and stars fpr joining us, it was very nice and maybe we will have a new chat one day.
SeriousZilla: And you will answer every e-mail, correct ellen?
Nova15: Ellen, I think you have to Date Kuschelbaer007 on your next visit in Germany...
Ellen Dubin: and also write me at giggerota100A@aol.com
iStan: There's also a link to Ellen's official site at
Ellen Dubin: i write everyone personally every body
Ellen Dubin: thanks everyone
SeriousZilla: Great, I am impressed
Ellen Dubin: you are the best
Ellen Dubin: don't forget to write
yodafd: Thanks Ellen
Ellen Dubin: oops wrong address
gela12: thanks Ellen, and please check the lexx board...you're very welcome to write there
eternal4739: Don't know how you do it, Ellen. You must be at your computer 24 hours a day!!
Ellen Dubin: giggerota100@aol.com
Ellen Dubin: that is my personal email
Ellen Dubin: so please write
Ellen Dubin: i will respond
Ellen Dubin: yup 24 hours eternal
Ellen Dubin: don't like to keep people waiting
Ellen Dubin: thanks gela
eternal4739: Well, you are amazing.
yodafd: smile
Ellen Dubin: any last minute questions
Ellen Dubin: i will keep you posted about the new show
Ellen Dubin: xpose magazine has a big article about it now
Ellen Dubin: the sci fi magazine
sweety-aus-nrw: who are you
Kuschelbaer007: we love you ellen
Propeller: So Ellen have a nice day and thank you very much again for joinung us....
gela12: thank you ellen, we hope to read from you soon! you can get your own thread for announcements at the board, just as every lexx cast member
Intrepid1234: Did you make any new prnouncements when you were pope ellen?
theflea ellen, will you be acting in any new scifi shows?
HotDogBrotchen2002: bye @ All
Ellen Dubin: bye
Engelwings: Thank you so much for coming, Ellen!
Ellen Dubin: yup the collector
SeriousZilla: Good Bye, Ellen
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: BYe
The Force: Bye Ellen. And good luck with your career.
Intrepid1234: bye ellen!
iStan: Thank you very much Ellen.
theflea bye bye ellen. u rox
Minni Mausschen: thank you ellen for the special moment with you bye bye
Peejot: Ellen Dubin - it was nice that i could help ya 2 times to get back to this chatroom in eva habermann ;D
BeefCake: bye ellen
Sat Jul 10 18:50:37 GMT+03:00 2004
Propeller: Just a short note for our englishspeaking guests......just type in your question in the message bar below and hit enter....
eternal4739: Eva, I had heard that you and Xenia were to be in a movie together, Paycheck.. but when it came to theaters I only saw Uma Thurman and Ben Affleck. What happened with this.. is there in fact another film of a similar titile, or was the tentative title changed? What was it like for you?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I love going to the cinema- the last time was yesterday, Before Sunset- a super film
AngelinaJohnson: Hi Eva , what animal are you most afraid of?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Xenia and I are going to be in an action movie called the clown, that was shot last year, will come out in january 05
SLIM SHADY 5: what would you do if you only had one day left to live?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I don't like spiders
FF01: eva, who is your favourite author?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I would spend the day in bed with my boyfriend
Hundilino: If you had one free wish... what would you wish for ???
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I'd like the leading roll in a Hollywood film with NIcholas Cage
iTweedle: Eva: How would you have changed the character of Zev?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I loved Zev, why should I want to have changed her?
Stavi: What were the most exciting moments in your career?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Every time that I got a role, I was happy.
Waldschrad: Are you always so cheeky?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I'm not (being) cheeky at all!
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I'm very gentle and tame
SidoS M@skE: eva which films do you enjoy the most? action or romance?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: romantic films
b?hsesbunny23: what would you take to a desert island?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Lots of food, a hammock, mobile phone, an aerial for the phone, and a hut
Jessy -w-: would you give up your career for something? if so, what
Eva Felicitas Habermann: no, I wouldn't give up my career for anything. Unless I find something that is more fun. but there isn't anything.
Iam: Hopefully, in a few years you will be holding your first Oscar award in your hands. So the question is, who will you thank .
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Oscar...???? hmmmmm well if you insist... thank you the good lord?
AndrewUK: Eva, have you ever tried to break into a film career in america?
Gross Hades: hello Thomas Lamberty
Eva Felicitas Habermann: No havent tried it yet, as I wanted to get good roles in germany first. I am starting to work on my international career...
BassTrax: How big are the changes when you leave a film role and go back to real life????
Sweatwitch13: what do you think was the best moment in your life eva?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Very big. Normal life seems to be very unexciting. But it isn't...
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Would you like to live one of your roles in real life?
Eva Felicitas Habermann:I believe that the best times are still to come. Life just keeps getting better.
HeRz@007: if you could be an animal, which would you be and why?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: yes, the life of Heidi- a life of fire, ice, and cold beer. beautiful in the alps.
Ellen Dubin: hi everyone hope all is well
Kuschelbaer007: hello ellen dubin
Ellen Dubin: how is everyone
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I'd love to be a dinosaur, then I could piss on trucks...
Aidan-Pryde: Hello Ellen.
yodafd: Hi Ellen
Ellen Dubin: hi eva
eternal4739: All hail Queen Giggy! May Her reign be long and glorious.
Lancelot2000: Hi Ellen
Ellen Dubin: big hugs from vancouver canada
Propeller: I now have the honour of presenting to you our guest Ellen Dubin. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles, and made a special effort to be here today, at a very early hour for her, (there's a 9 hour time difference) to answer your questions. She is well known for her two roles in Lexx, where she played Giggerota and the Queen.
Jessy -w-: what do you do when you're sad?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Ellen, hi! good morning. How is it?
Propeller: Finally I have the honor to welcome our guest Ellen Dubin. Ellen, who works and lives in Los Angeles at the moment, made it this early morning (we have 9 hours time difference to L.A.) possible for you to ask her all the questions you want to. We will never forget her because of here two great parts in LEXX, where she played Giggerota in Season 1 and Queen in series 3.
Ellen Dubin: great doing a new show
Ellen Dubin: actually i am now in vancouver jens
iTweedle: Ellen: Could you tell us about The Collector, your new series?
Ellen Dubin: and pope in season 4
jersey88: What animal would you campare yourself with?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Wenn I'm sad I spend the day eating gummi bears.
Ellen Dubin: don't forget that
Ellen Dubin: ah it is a supernatural drama like twilight zone buffy x files
Ellen Dubin: hopefully all th e fans in germany willl see it next year
Propeller: Oups, so I have to correct myself, Elen is in Vancouver now.
Ellen Dubin: very very happy with the show
Eva Felicitas Habermann: That sounds like fun
Ellen Dubin: it is very different than LEXX
alladin12345678: Ellen. I wish you a very nice good Morning. How are you? What's your favourite music?
sweet Teddy03: Hallo Eva. Do you find it easy to learn your lines?
Ellen Dubin: i love all kinds of music from old fashioned rock n roll to classical
Ellen Dubin: no rap though
xXx-drachengirl-xXx: do you have a dream that you've pursued?
khorn: Ellen Dubin have you a sister or a brother ?
Ellen Dubin: yes i have a younger brother
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Eva, why did you not continue in Lexx and Xenia took your role?
redtiger113: Ellen Dublin what do you want to change in the future
skatergirlyyy: Welcher Filmdreh hat dir am meisten Spa? gemacht, Eva?
Ellen Dubin: more humanity among people
Ellen Dubin: too much war and hate
HeRz@007: hello ellen...which film is your favourite film?
Ellen Dubin: love gone with the wind, wizard of oz tootsie
Ellen Dubin: lots of films
bluebabe: imagine you were offer a role in sex and the city , which main character would you like to perform?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: there was a long break before the new Lexx series started filming and by the time it started I had already signed a new contract.
denniscrazy: How do you spend most of your time?
Ellen Dubin: great question bluebabe samantha
Ellen Dubin: lots of fun with men
bluebabe: hehe <PIC>
Lulu Marie: Did you like school ?
eternal4739: Ellen Dubin, what did you think of Return to Oz? Was it a worthy sequel?
Ellen Dubin: NO SEQUELS
Flottes H‰schen: when do you know that you want to be an actor??
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Yes I always had a lot of fun at school
Ellen Dubin: i always wanted to be a ballet dancer but hurt my knee
Ellen Dubin: and loved doing shows on stage
Ellen Dubin: so i started doing musicals and then plays
foxMulder5: Hi, Do You Know The X-Files and what do you Think About it
Ellen Dubin: love that show exfiles love your name foxmulder5
Beecracker: @ Ellen Ddubin ~~~> Who is your favourite Sportsmann?
Ellen Dubin: xfiles is very unique
Waldschrad: What do you do with your friends?
Ellen Dubin: beecracker i love tennis and iceskating - figure skating
Ellen Dubin: i am not sure who i like who do you like?
sweetybaby91: eva what laws have you broken?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: ?bers handy.... hohe telefonrechung...
Ellen Dubin: eve miss you we have to do a movie together
Peregrin: Would You like to play in a very big movie like the lord of the rings or something like that?
redtiger113: hello Ellen Dublin what do you want to in the future and have you got a homepage?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: oh, I;ve always been completely good
Ellen Dubin: oh yes lord of the rings type of movies are the best do you have a part for me peregrin?
Lars154: @Ellen DO you like reading books?
alladin12345678: were you a good student, eva? (did you get good grades)?
Ellen Dubin: i would love to do more film i love reading books and you can go to www.scifisuzi.com and click my name on the right and you will see a home page
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Yes, ellen and I should do an
Eva Felicitas Habermann: a movie together
Ellen Dubin: eva i will come to germany
Eva Felicitas Habermann: an producers around?
Ellen Dubin: yes very good any producers?
Ellen Dubin: we are ready
BeefCake: A question for Ellen: What was your first thought when you learned you'd be the Pope in Lexx Series 4?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: when are you coming to germany?
Ellen Dubin: beefcake i thought the producers were kidding about pope i thought it was joke
Lancelot2000: we could collect some money and produce on our own.
Ellen Dubin: i was worried didn't want to offend anyone at first either beefcake
yodafd: jep lancelot
Lars154: @ellen WHen was your most shocking moment?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: Holiday or work?
Ellen Dubin: yes we could lancelot200 good idea
Ellen Dubin: shocking moment in life or in the show?
khorn: eva, was were your favourite and least favourite subjects at school?
Propeller: I think he means in life Ellen
HeRz@007: ellen...if you could be an animal....what kind of animal would you prefer to be? and why?
Ellen Dubin: in life any one close t o me who has died is the most shocking moment lars
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I found chemistry very complicated. Psychology I liked!!
Ellen Dubin: i wouild be a dog so i could be walked and patted and fed
alladin12345678: ellen, have you got a personaly motto for your life?
Ellen Dubin: or a tigress because they look so sexy
Ansbacher: Eva, what was the most embarassing moment in your life?
Ellen Dubin: alladin my motto is keep on laughing
yodafd: @ellen and ... on every place *grin
Ellen Dubin: and don't give up
Nala11tiger: ellen when did you start acting??
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I think acting is
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: If a fan met you on the street, and you didn't have anything important to do, would you join them for a coffee if they asked?
Ellen Dubin: ah don't speak german today can anyone translate please want to answer everyone's questions
HeRz@007: ellen...what's your favourite pizza?
Propeller: Dear Ellen, Nala11tiger just wanted to know when you started acting....how old were you?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: no... I'm not comfortable meeting new people. I'm shy.
Ellen Dubin: all pizzas except anchovies- do you have a pizza now i am hungry
sweetybaby91: what to you enjoy most about acting, eva?
Kuschelbaer007 brings Ellen Dubin a pizza salami. <PIC>
Ellen Dubin: i started acting when i was dancing ballet on stage at about 9
Ellen Dubin: yummy pizza salami
Eva Felicitas Habermann: pizza? what time is it where you are?
Aidan-Pryde: Hunger...
Ellen Dubin: only 8 in the morning
va Felicitas Habermann: here it is 5pm
Ellen Dubin: too early for pizza eva
Lancelot2000: Is the pizza boy there?
Ellen Dubin: ok bring eva the pizza
Ellen Dubin: actully i am not eating pizza right now
s?sselady18: okay ellen what is your favorite actor
Ellen Dubin: staying slim and trim
Eva Felicitas Habermann: I want pizza
Ellen Dubin: love udo kier
Ellen Dubin: love gary oldman
Kuschelbaer007 brings Eva a pizza.
Eva Felicitas Habermann: jeah!
Ellen Dubin: love johnny depp
Ellen Dubin: lots
Ellen Dubin: udo wonderful german actor
iTweedle: Ellen: most of your work seems to be in sci-fi. Would like to play other roles?
Eva Felicitas Habermann: have you worked with him?
sweetandre123: Eva how do you avoid laughing when you're playing a funny role??
Ellen Dubin: actually i have been very lucky because my work has been all kinds - even in the sci fi world it is very different
Ellen Dubin: lots of different types
Sat Jul 10 18:59:45 GMT+03:00 2004
X-Seeberg: Of course I'll be back as Xev, I loved this character.
Minni Musschen: Who is your role model? (an Xenia)
Kuschelbaer007: Xenia, what do you think of Bully Herbig (German comedy actor)?
Nordischer Krieger: Xenia what would you still like to accomplish in life, your greatest achievement?
eternal4739: Very wonderful to hear it, Xenia. Is the project likely to be going into production in the near future?
X-Seeberg: I have always supported Amnesty International and would support Michael Moore, he’s shown his courage
XS4Xevr: Would you like to make XEV a stronger character, like to replace KAI as protector?
Aidan-Pryde: I have more questions waiting.
Kuschelbaer007: ok aidan
HeRz@007: xenia...was becoming an actress the fulfillment of your dreams?
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Thanks Aidan
Minni M‰usschen: xenia who would you most like to spend a day with, and why?
X-Seeberg: I would love to see, that the movie was going to happen soon, but ALL.Atl has to release the right first and sell them
Ellen Dubin: is this the right channel?
Aidan-Pryde: Yes.
sweetandre123: Xenia have you ever had an unpleasant or embarrassing role??
Nova15: Yes, welcome back Ellen!
Ellen Dubin: ok patricia was on that other dchannel too
eternal4739: That sounds really great. I understand <you> have the rights now.
Kuschelbaer007: welcome back ellen, we have missed you <PIC>
bluebabe: yes ellen welcome back
Ellen Dubin: thank s everyone
X-Seeberg: I would not want to replace Kai as a character, but Xev should always be strong with a heart
Ellen Dubin: went on another channel and got to speak to some other people
Ellen Dubin: i agree with xenia
iTweedle: Xenia: What was it like working with Brian Downey?
X-Seeberg: well, I wouldn't want to trade lives with anybody, we all have our own joys and problems.
Ellen Dubin: yes gela thanks
Ellen Dubin: don't know how to do anything on this computer sorry
Ellen Dubin: will email you
Minni M‰usschen: Xenia.....Wenn du jetzt in einen Film mitspieln k?nntest den du sehr magst und du wirst krank ... w?rdest du die sache trotzdem durchziehn?
Ellen Dubin: fans if you want to email me please write down giggerota100@aol.com
Ellen Dubin: i will always answer letter s just so you know
sweet Teddy03: hi xenia f‰llt dir das lernen von texten leicht? wenn ja hast du da einen bestimmten trick?
X-Seeberg: It was great to work with Brian, he a real sport
Ellen Dubin: yes he makes us laugh
Kuschelbaer007: ellen, who do you think is the most beautiful male actor?
X-Seeberg: I learn my lines quickly and easily.
Ellen Dubin: viggo from lord of rings
Ellen Dubin: yummy
Thesteve2Kb: do either of you ever visit any of the popular Lexx forums? lexxfans.com
Ellen Dubin: lots of different people
Ellen Dubin: would love to visit haven't had time but would love to
eternal4739: Xenia, are there any American actors you would particularly love to work with?
BeefCake: Ellen & Xenia, what's your opinion about Asian cinema, eg Takeshi Kitano?
Ellen Dubin: how do i get to that site
Ellen Dubin: i appreciate all cinema
Ellen Dubin: don;'t know too much about asian cinema but love the storylines when i do see them
X-Seeberg: I already said, Willem Dafoe and for sure there are others, but hey, I'd be happy to work with any american actor in a good movie
Aidan-Pryde: Just open a Internet-Browser and write
Ellen Dubin: yes xenia is right
Minni M‰usschen: Xenia: If you didn’t have this marvelous career and weren’t so successful, what would you do? What did you study at school?
eternal4739: Okay, I'm sorry. I missed where you said that.
s??e Maus0009: Xenia : What has be your greatest experience so far?
Ellen Dubin: thanks aidan
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Xenia, if you had three wishes, what would they be?
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, if you may have the chance, to live your life a second time - would you change anything?
Ellen Dubin: that everyone i love doesn't die
Ellen Dubin: would love that
X-Seeberg: I studied Latin, philosophy, graphic design, and theatre.
gela12: ok we are all in 1 room now I guess
Minni M‰usschen: Ellen What do you think about lexx an this person's?
Ellen Dubin: what do you mean minni?
HeRz@007: xenia...since you travel so much, do you only really relax when you get home?
Ellen Dubin: i miss the show lexx had so much fun
X-Seeberg: My three greatest wishes: health in old age, world peace, and to be with the love of my life until I die.
360N: do you enjoy chatting with your fans. Will you drop by sometime on your own (informally) just to chat?
eternal4739: I have always wondered.. was His Divine Shadow ever based in any way on a real person in human history?
Ellen Dubin: good question eternal - his divine shadow ? not sure
X-Seeberg: I really do enjoy being at home, but for the next four weeks I'll be in the USA, my second homeland.
Ellen Dubin: maybe the grim reaper as in death
Die S?sse Michele: For XENIA , what is your favourite pet?
BeefCake: Ellen & Xenia, are you still in contact with Paul Donovan, the creator of the Lexx series? Do you know what he'll be up to next?
Thesteve2Kb: Xenia, ever come accross a situation where you wish you could growl like a Cluster Lizard?
X-Seeberg: Unfortunately, I don’t have any pets now, but I used to have horses. My mentor in Laguna Beach has a lot of parrots
Ellen Dubin: yes i emailed paul the other day
eternal4739: I wondered also, whether they had any real presidents in mind while writing for President Priest. He kinda reminds me a little of someone in office right now.
Ellen Dubin: he is working on a big minisries
Ellen Dubin: miniseries
Minni M‰usschen: xenia when did the USA become your second homeland?
Engelwings: What is the mini series going to be about?
X-Seeberg: Yes I talk to Paul quite frequently, I just love him, he's simply brilliant
AndrewUK: What is the most weird or best thing that has happened to you since becoming famous?
Ellen Dubin: italian family in history a very weird family
Ellen Dubin: xenia is right
Ellen Dubin: paul is brilliant
Engelwings: What are you working on now, xenia?
Ellen Dubin: most fans are wonderful but some people overstep their boundaries
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, have you got a boyfriend? or do i have a chance
Ellen Dubin: but most are wonderful
Ellen Dubin: no boyfriend
bluebabe: lol kuschel
Ellen Dubin: you make me blush
Ellen Dubin: hee heehee
jessy2000: kuschel here's your chance
Ellen Dubin: hee hee hee
Ellen Dubin: i am still laughing
X-Seeberg: The USA has been my second home since 1996. I was seeing an American actor for a long time.
Ellen Dubin: you are sweet
Aidan-Pryde: So, now you have many new friends.
Ellen Dubin: yes i do
gela12: Ellen, do you plan to visit Germany in the near future?
Suchnenboy13: Is This your Dreamwork?
Ellen Dubin: i would love to gela
Ellen Dubin: i hope to
knuddelmichganzfest15: How has being an actor changed your life?
Ellen Dubin: which part of the city do you live in gela
Chakotay: Whats Your Favourite Sci-Fi Series
Ellen Dubin: love my new one the collector
gela12: I live in Bremen, Ellen. that's not too far away from Hamburg, northern Germany.
Kuschelbaer007 gets red. Thank you Ellen ^^
Ellen Dubin: and i love buffy
Ellen Dubin: ah ok near eva
Engelwings: Will that be airing in the US at all, Ellen?
X-Seeberg: Life is constantly stop and go, on and off.
HeRz@007: xenia... have you lost many old friends since you became famous?
Ellen Dubin: i hope so will know more soon
Ellen Dubin: and will keep the fans posted
Engelwings: great
The Force: Buffy is cool, What Season did you like most, Ellen?
Ellen Dubin: engelwings what is your email addy?
Ellen Dubin: i still liked that musical eps
Aidan-Pryde: Ellen, if someone want to write you, which is your adress for fanpost?
X-Seeberg: Sorry guys, but my break is over, I've got to go!!!
for-ever-in-my-life: Elle, is ist nice a star to be?
SeriousZilla: Xenia, wie erkl‰rst du du dir den nicht erfolg der 2.Staffel von Lexx in Deutschland?
Ellen Dubin: giggerota100@aol.com please write me everyone
eternal4739: Goodbye, Xenia, have a wonderful day.
bluebabe: It was a pleasure to have you here Xenia.
yodafd: Einen sch?nen Abend noch Xenia
Ellen Dubin: i answer everyone
Ellen Dubin: xenia love you honey
Engelwings: goodbye Xenia! Nice that you could come and chat.
SeriousZilla: Good Bye
Ellen Dubin: please email me
Tyalis: Byebye, Xenia
Ellen Dubin: love you
gela12: bye xenia
Aidan-Pryde: It was great that you could be here, Xenia.
Kuschelbaer007: bye xenia
theflea dubin, do u watch any other sci fi shows besides lexx ?
Ellen Dubin: love you xenia
Vampgirl: bye xenia
X-Seeberg: Was great to talk to you and sorry if I couldnot answer all your questions
jessy2000: cya Xenia
Lancelot2000: Bye Xenia
Propeller: Xenia thank, and have a great evening... I'll email you soon, Jens.
BlueIce1982: Thank you for talking time! <PIC>
Ellen Dubin: oh yes when i have time startrek, buffy angel
Ellen Dubin: xfiles
The Force: bye Xenia
Ellen Dubin: andromeda
Ellen Dubin: mutant x relic hunter
X-Seeberg: Bis bald mal wieder und alles Liebe f?r Euch
Ellen Dubin: bye honey love you xenia
gela12: later xenia. i hope tht you got my PMs.
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, i must say, i'm surprised that you are here with us.
Ellen Dubin: i want to be here
BlueIce1982: <PIC>
Ellen Dubin: love you guys
mone2210: @ Ellen do you have your own website ?
BlueIce1982: Kuschelbaer007 ist falling in love?
X-Seeberg: Love you toooooooo Ellen, you're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to you soon, I'll be in LA next week
Ellen Dubin: www.scifisuzi.com<
eternal4739: Have we heard anything from Brian? Or is he on another room?
Aidan-Pryde: She ask, if you have an own website.
Nova15: he's already fallen... ;D
Ellen Dubin: and click on my namne
Ellen Dubin: yes i understood that
Ellen Dubin: yes website
Ellen Dubin: www.scifisuzi.com
BlueIce1982: Oh maybe we will see this couple next time
gela12: I think brian got some trouble logging in?
Ellen Dubin: and click on my name on the rightw
Ellen Dubin: i will call brian right now hold on
Sat Jul 10 19:08:39 GMT+03:00 2004
gela12: yes and iStan too I think but maybe he just forgot
Minni M‰usschen: Ellen ? Hav You In This Moment Fun?
Ellen Dubin: i am having fun
Ellen Dubin: so glad to talk to the fans / i am so so busy
Propeller: No Brian did not forget but he mailed me that he has something very important to do and that he tries to come in here a bit later...but I fear he did not manage it
Intrepid1234: Ellen if a giant giggerota the wicked and a giant Lyekka battled over the city of Japan, who would win and who would lose? Would it be fun?
Engelwings: It's great that you've got a new series! Any plans to do any theater?
Ellen Dubin: it would be a riog
Ellen Dubin: giggy wins
Ellen Dubin: it would be a riot
Ellen Dubin: did theatre in la a comedy show a few months ago
Ellen Dubin: it was funny
Kuschelbaer007: Ellen, which type of character is most important for a person? Which type(s) of character do you not like on your person?
iStan: Are you biased when you say that?
Ellen Dubin: nope stan
Ellen Dubin: i love characters who have a big emotional range
eternal4739: Giggy, I wonder if Jordan made it in. Do you know?
Ellen Dubin: llove to cry and laugh
Nova15: or directly speaking: whot qualities has kuschelbaer to offer you?
X-Seeberg: Oh yeas, before I forget, if you want the latest news and to check out my music, go to www.xeniaseeberg.biz!!! By.......eeeee.
Ellen Dubin: i don't know tell me kucshcelbaer
Ellen Dubin: love funny
Ellen Dubin: funny warm and very passionate
gela12: ellen, what role apart from giggerota would you had liked to play at lexx?
Ellen Dubin: the characters
Nova15: honest
Ellen Dubin: i would like to have played kai
Ellen Dubin: hee hee hee
gela12: thanks for the info xenia
SeriousZilla: Do you have contact with Kai?
gela12: you would have liked to play kai??
X-Seeberg: Oh beofre I forget, you can check out my music at www.xeniaseeberg.biz
Engelwings: A female Kai, very interesting concept.
Ellen Dubin: HEE HEE HEE
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Had u liked the Rule in Lexx...cos its not so typical for a woman to play ...a....monster
The Force: Danke f?r den netten Chat Xenia
gela12: you mean like the dead do not eat people?
Tyalis: Ellen Dubin, please press caps lock
iStan: Ellen: can you tell us about your character in the new series. I saw it on Wednesday, but there wasn't enough of you on screen.
Ellen Dubin: thanks
eternal4739: In the end, there can be only one. May it be Xenia Seeberg, the Deutschlander.
Ellen Dubin: yes wed was my episode that i had the least in
Ellen Dubin: did you see anymore stan
BeefCake: Ellen, do you prefer acting on stage or in front of a camera, and what's the main difference for you?
Ellen Dubin: i play a passionate reporter with a child who is autistic veryinteresting show
flyx: Ellen, did you HATE anything about Giggerota?
iStan: I've only caught the one so far, unfortunately.
Ellen Dubin: i love the stage immediate reaction
Ellen Dubin: ah too bad
Ellen Dubin: worst episode fthat one
iStan: Thanks, though, the ep makes more sense now.
Ellen Dubin: yess i hope you get to see it from the begining it starts again on citytv in canada in sept
Ellen Dubin: what city are you in again?
Ellen Dubin: i love everything about giggy
Thesteve2Kb: Ellen, do you have any interesting or unusual hobbies?
Propeller: And so dear fans, our chat today comes to an end.
Ellen Dubin: nothing unuusal
Ellen Dubin: i love wathcing movies
theflea ellen, do u think lyekka is stronger or zev ?
Ellen Dubin: movies movies and food and friends
Kuschelbaer007: Thank you Ellen for being here. *kiss on your hand*
Ellen Dubin: they both have their strenghts
Ellen Dubin: your welcome
Ellen Dubin: everyone
Ellen Dubin: you take care
Ellen Dubin: again please write down
Ellen Dubin: www.scifisuzi.com
Ellen Dubin: click on the right for my website
BrunnenG (privat an Maysu): -
gela12: ellen, are you going to leave now too?
Propeller: Dear fans, I will stop the moderation now and officially finish the chat. Of course you can go on chatting with your stars if they keep staying in here. Thanks to all our guests and stars fpr joining us, it was very nice and maybe we will have a new chat one day.
SeriousZilla: And you will answer every e-mail, correct ellen?
Nova15: Ellen, I think you have to Date Kuschelbaer007 on your next visit in Germany...
Ellen Dubin: and also write me at giggerota100A@aol.com
iStan: There's also a link to Ellen's official site at www.lexxfans.com
Ellen Dubin: i write everyone personally every body
Ellen Dubin: thanks everyone
SeriousZilla: Great, I am impressed
Ellen Dubin: you are the best
Ellen Dubin: don't forget to write
yodafd: Thanks Ellen
Ellen Dubin: oops wrong address
gela12: thanks Ellen, and please check the lexx board...you're very welcome to write there
eternal4739: Don't know how you do it, Ellen. You must be at your computer 24 hours a day!!
Ellen Dubin: giggerota100@aol.com
Ellen Dubin: that is my personal email
Ellen Dubin: so please write
Ellen Dubin: i will respond
Ellen Dubin: yup 24 hours eternal
Ellen Dubin: don't like to keep people waiting
Ellen Dubin: thanks gela
eternal4739: Well, you are amazing.
yodafd: smile
Ellen Dubin: any last minute questions
Ellen Dubin: i will keep you posted about the new show
Ellen Dubin: xpose magazine has a big article about it now
Ellen Dubin: the sci fi magazine
sweety-aus-nrw: who are you
Kuschelbaer007: we love you ellen
Propeller: So Ellen have a nice day and thank you very much again for joinung us....
minizombie: ih
gela12: thank you ellen, we hope to read from you soon! you can get your own thread for announcements at the board, just as every lexx cast member
Intrepid1234: Did you make any new prnouncements when you were pope ellen?
theflea ellen, will you be acting in any new scifi shows ?
> bluebabe gives Ellen a couple of big cuddles!
HotDogBr?tchen2002: Bye @ All
Ellen Dubin: bye
minizombie: is that shit finally over?
Engelwings: Thank you so much for coming, Ellen!
Ellen Dubin: yup the collector
SeriousZilla: Good Bye, Ellen
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: BYe
The Force: Bye Ellen. And good luck with your career.
Intrepid1234: bye ellen!
iStan: Thank you very much Ellen.
theflea bye bye ellen. u rox
Minni M‰usschen: thank you ellen for the special moment with you bye bye
Peejot: Ellen Dubin - it was nice that i could help ya 2 times to get back to this chatroom in eva habermann
BeefCake: bye ellen
Marki03: ciao ellen! <PIC>
Saskia12: bye
mr@Berlin13: ciao ellen
Simeon-Lexx-Fan: Was a great chat with u ellen
Aidan-Pryde: Bye Ellen.
Minni M‰usschen: =)
Engelwings: Goodbye Ellen! Keep us posted!
Minni M‰usschen: l?l
Bubble-Escape-13: ELLEN WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOR ?????????????
Thesteve2Kb: Bye Ellen
gela12: hey all, don't forget to check the official lexx board... www.lexxfans.com !!!!
t08y: Hi ellen
Thesteve2Kb: that was great fun
... once in a while ...
iStan: Patricia: Are there others actors who have been an inspiration to you?
iStan: Xenia Seeberg is now in /promitalk
Patricia Zentilli: I really like Cate Blanchett and Sean Penn
Patricia Zentilli: Also Samantha Morton
Sanyyy: Would you start a singing career?
Patricia Zentilli: I am trying... we'll see
iStan: What sort of music wil be on your Cd- jazz, rap?
Patricia Zentilli: it is mostly jazz/folk/pop sounding
XxTrinityxX: what kind of music do you listen to?
Patricia Zentilli: I listen to many kinds of music... jazz.. classical... pop... rock and roll...
Doreen Jacobi: Same for me - depends on the mood I am in
Schnuff‰l: have you got a limousine?
Patricia Zentilli: No I have a bicycle
Doreen Jacobi: No
incredible bombplanter: can you imagine of a role in Tatort ?
Doreen Jacobi: Sure ... if it is something interesting :-)
Sanyyy: Do you enjoy it to be famous? Sorry I can't speak english very well
Doreen Jacobi: Well - being famous isn't all that counts. If people know you you get better roles ... but I don't want to reach the point where I cannot go into the supermarket anymore... this I would not enjoy.
missspain03: would you like to live in german Patricia Zentilli ?
Patricia Zentilli: I have been to Munich before.... I would love to go to Germany and visit my lexx friends.. like Rpolf Kanies
Patricia Zentilli: oops.. rolf
iStan: Patricia: You have appeared on TV, on stage, and in film. How are the experiences diffeerent and which do you prefer?
gela12: Patti, someone asked me if you miss not doing lexx anymore and would you have done a Season 5 if they had done one?
iStan: How is good old Rpolf?
Patricia Zentilli: I love to act no matter what the situation is.. I would have been happy to do another season of LExx!!!!
Patricia Zentilli: Rolf is always very busy it seems doing films and theatre
SeriousZillla: Was Lexx somewhat special for you?
Doreen Jacobi: For me it definitely was - you don't do something like LEXX every day...
Thesteve2K: Patricia: Had you heard of Lexx when you were first asked to appear on the show?
Patricia Zentilli: I had heard of it yess. But i had never seen an episode..
iStan: Would you have adutioned if you had?
Patricia Zentilli: yes! of course !
TangaGirlPortugal: for what reasons would you turn down a role?
Plex: Translation: What could be a reason to reject a role ?
Doreen Jacobi: If I can't get into the role- then you have no way to bring it to life. Otherwise, I'd only turn a part down if I didn't have the time for it because I already have another..
Intrepid1234: to Patricia: Bunny (in both incarnations) was pure of heart and very devoted to the people she loved. Although fictional, I think she was wonderful. Do you see part of yourself in her or did you draw the character from other people you knew?
Patricia Zentilli: thanks! I see a bit of myself in Bunny. she is someone who wants to be liked and wants everyone to be happy
Patricia Zentilli: but i am a little smarter
maxib‰r: Patricia Zentilli, are you very nervous before a film?
Patricia Zentilli: i hope!
Patricia Zentilli: I am nervous if the role is very challenging.. sometimes I think the producers are going to change their minds about me and realise they have made a mistake
Smilefun: do you have still enough time for friends and the family?
Doreen Jacobi: That's a feeling I can absolutely relate to
iStan: Patricia: Can you tell us about your film Touch and Go and where it might be available?
Patricia Zentilli: I have lots of time when I am not working!
Patricia Zentilli: I think if you go to cinemavalut.com and click on new releases comedy you can watch the trailer.
Patricia Zentilli: i mean cinemavault
Plex: How many weeks per year is this (that you do not work)?
Patricia Zentilli: many many!
Ellen Dubin: hi patricia
Patricia Zentilli: HI HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellen Dubin: i got lost ina another chat room
Ellen Dubin: hEY HONEY
Patricia Zentilli: i know it is confusing!
Doreen Jacobi: hi there Ellen
iStan: Xenia is in the other room.
Doreen Jacobi: It's been a while
Patricia Zentilli: i actually have to go soon because i have a matinee today so you have great timing!
Holgi: Welcome Ellen Dubin
iStan: type /go promitalk
Doreen Jacobi: Yes I am - where are you?
bluebabe: we need another V.I.P in the other chatroom *s*
Patricia Zentilli: So I am going to say bye bye and ellen can answer some questions with Doreen. Doreen it was SO great to finally meet you. Hoepfully you will come to canada or I to germany someday and we can meet in person!
gela12: iStan is in the other room
Ellen Dubin: AH OK
iStan: But before you go: a question for everyone: what was il like acting with Brian downey?
gela12: eep, no, he's here, lol
iStan: Yes, I'm here, gela.
Doreen Jacobi: Hi Patricia - yes this will be great ... I'd love to meet in person...
Ellen Dubin: COME ON
Patricia Zentilli: Brian Downey is an amazing and generous man!
Doreen Jacobi: So - where is Brian?
Patricia Zentilli: We love him and he loves his fans.. also ELLEN rocks the universe!
Doreen Jacobi: Good guess ;-)
Patricia Zentilli: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Doreen Jacobi: Ellen definitely rocks the universe ....
Patricia Zentilli: maybe we can do another chat sometime
Patricia Zentilli: he heee
iStan: Thank you very much Patricia.
Patricia Zentilli: bye bye
Patricia Zentilli: everyone!
Patricia Zentilli:
Doreen Jacobi: bye bye
Plex: Have a good time ...
Plex: Thanks to you, for being here.
LilCroBaby: So ! First Hello to you all! And now my question: Is it a nice feeling to see yourself in the TV ?
Doreen Jacobi: Yes - I am busy shooting a comedy at the moment
Doreen Jacobi: A nice feeling to see oneself on TV? At first I hated it - I had to get used to it ......
skaterboy05: do you mind being asked for your autograph so often?
Ellen Dubin: Gela can you help me out
Plex: Translation: Do you mind being asked for an autogramm so often?
Doreen Jacobi: no, and it's not too often :-) Only every few dyas ;-)
gela12: hehe...yes I can help you ellen, I'm here
gela12: oh it seems you ignore me ellen...
gela12: I need help, I can't send PMs to ellen anymore
iStan: Ellen: of the three roles that you played in Lexx do you have a favourite?
Ellen Dubin: i still love giggy the wicked
Ellen Dubin: so much fan i stan
Ellen Dubin: but i had fun with all of them what a great opportunity
Ellen Dubin: gela are you there
iStan: On the flip side: What about your worst moment filming Lexx?
gela12: yes I am here ellen, but you set me to your ignore list by accident
bene100: What are your next projects??
Ellen Dubin: sitting in a tub of hot water with a headdress that weighed over twenty pounds for many hours i was so dizzy and i wore a wig
Ellen Dubin: oh how did i do that
Doreen Jacobi: I am shooting a comedy for PRO 7 at the moment...
Ellen Dubin: tell her i don't want to ignore her
KinG JuLi: Doreen, do you have a favourite team in the German football association?
Doreen Jacobi: Well, despite all of their weaknesses, I still support Hertha BSC... it can only get better for them.
gela12: Ellen, if I had your email address I would have contacted you directly, but maybe you shouldn't post it here in the room
flyx: Doreen, What is the comedy called? Or can't you say that?
Doreen Jacobi: The working title is The Road Test, but that will probably be changed.... It will be on TV in October. You can visit my website to get the exact date and time when they're known...
Doreen Jacobi: www.doreenjacobi.com
Plex: Now something totally different:
StuartLittle15: Doreen Jacobi &Ellen Dubin how would your parents had named you if you were a boy?
Doreen Jacobi: Uuuppps - I think my name would have been Steve from what my mother told me...
vordock: Do yo like 'Traumschiff' from Micahel Bully Herbig (Dreamboat- Michael Bully Herbig is a German comedian)?
Doreen Jacobi: I adore Michael Bully Herbig ... I also laughed a lot in Der Schuh des Manitou - so, I can't wait for Traumschiff...
Stavi: What was the most moving moment in your career?
Doreen Jacobi: I was doing a short film in Australia and it was my 21st birthday- suddenly, the lights went out and every one sang Happy Birthday to me and a big cake full so candles was brought out ...
Plex:there There seems to have been a lot of warm feelings there.
Doreen Jacobi: Other than that, I would say that every premiere is a highlight, and it's always very moving to be before an applauding audience...
Plex: What was the film about?
Doreen Jacobi: Science Fiction Scenario - what else? Everybody's memories were stored in a central computer, and a couple of people try to release them - very dark....
flyx: Doreen, yet another question: Was the leather costume that you wore in Eating Pattern difficult to get in to? And was it hard to wear?
Doreen Jacobi: It was a disaster. I had to give half an hour's warning if I thought that I had to go to the bathroom so that they could start getting me out of the costume...
Doreen Jacobi: But it worked out well, for which I'm grateful
flyx: That short film sounds interesting... is there a way to get a copy?
Plex: Translation: Where can I get this short movie you talked about?
Doreen Jacobi: I'll have to leave you soon - about the short film - no - I don't think you can officially get it. I have a copy and the production company etc. but it never made the big screen other than on two festivals
Plex: To bad that your time is up already.
Doreen Jacobi: Thanks to everyone for your interesting questions and comments and hope to be part of another chat sometime soon... Ellen honey, if you are still here - great reading you again... and good luck with the show in Vancouver...
gela12: thankyou for being here, doreen. I would be very pleased if you could drop by and say hi at lexxfans.com.
Plex: Maybe tell us once again the WebSite of yours.
Holgi: Ok, we will close this channel now. My Thanks go to our Moderators, who have done a very well Job. Thanks to your curious Members and to our eloquent actor-guests. The Talk goes on in the Channel promitalk. Please click LINK:here, to change the Channel.
Doreen Jacobi: Yeaph - I have a birthday dinner to attend at 6.30 and need to change and drive there still ;-)
Doreen Jacobi: www.doreenjacobi.com
***stanley has left #chat